Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 15 - Paris Landing, TN to Clifton, TN

It finally happened that we heard a clap of thunder accompanied by a momentary downpour and a few gusts of wind. In the broad horizon of the river we spotted the rain a few miles off and knew we were headed right into it. Mary became mildly nervous but I told her to sit tight and we would drive right through it. It was enough to soak us and chill us but after a few minutes it was over and we ran right back into the warm air that now felt good instead of oppressive as it had earlier. After this we decided that we'd put on our rain jackets when we head into rain no matter how warm it feels beforehand. It's inevitable that the gusts of wind from aloft will be cool and with the rain and the breeze from the boat's motion the chill comes on quickly.

Small cloudburst approaching.
This one was capable of just one thunder clap.

This building was left behind on purpose. It was flooded over in 1941 when the TVA built Kentucky Lake. It's 95 years old and was used to transfer ag products for the railroad. It is located near Danville, TN, is constructed of concrete, and has become a landmark on the lake.  

Here's a dual purpose picture.
As we proceeded down the lake the housing stock gradually improved.
Notice the nice neighborhood on the hillside.
Notice too the log floating in the water.  We are still confounded by a large amount of floating debris. Luckily we haven't hit anything significant but we do spot them like the one here once in awhile. 

 I liked the unusual scene of these trees just barely sticking out of the water.
It's hard to see but there's a nest on top the tall tree.
The water depth under our boat was 59 feet.

This is an interesting place where the ground is crooked and the house is level. 

I'm not sure if this place is a development gone bust. The houses look new but there is very little sign of life. We could see a few for sale signs planted in some of the yards. Maybe planting a few trees would be a good idea too.

Just before we reached the town of Clifton we spotted this beach party. It seemed like a pretty good sized group for a Thursday afternoon. 
Little did we know that the beach party would be moving to our motel.  There was a gathering of Allison boat owners having there annual get together here and yes, they can party hardy. I asked one fellow and he told me there wasn't a single boat here that couldn't reach 100 MPH. With one of these I could finish up our gulf trip tomorrow.

The Clifton Marina.
 Waiting to be picked up and taken to our motel. We decided to call for a ride because the motel was a mile out of town on a state highway. It was too busy and too hot to ride the bikes.

The Bear Inn Resort.
Our little home away from home.
Just send your post cards to #9 Billy Nance Highway

Tomorrow we head to Pickwick Landing.  It's a short trip of 60 miles and this will give us a more relaxed day.